
领先的物流 & 供应链顾问

Management 咨询顾问 who really care! 不管你的供应链是什么 & Logistics issues, we’ve solved them before. 26 years’ experience, more than 2,000 successful clients projects, across more than 25 countries.

与知名品牌合作, 以及新兴的超级明星, we know the major challenges you face right now, from strategy to operations to KPIs, and we have the tools and track record to help you. 和新万博下载ios版谈谈!

Logistics and 供应链顾问 谁保证结果 !

Your Supply Chain is more Critical now than ever before! Most Supply Chains are trying to cope with uncertainty in demand and supply, as well as rapidly developing new channels to market.

There is no better respected or well-known provider of Supply Chain and Logistics Management consultants , with the ability to service clients globally. We provide one of the most complete and thorough services on the market, which includes our industry-leading, 180天100%退款保证.


供应链顾问 who deliver reduced costs and improved service regardless of whether you have the best or worst Supply Chain in the sector! 和 the typical project fee 回报 is under 3 months! 新万博下载ios版也可以帮助你. 请在这里查看新万博下载ios版办公室联系方式 周边地区. You can talk directly to a senior member of staff.

为什么你的成本在增加? It’s particulary difficult during these challenging times

There are so many factors you need to consider when you are trying to find ways to improve your bottom line, 有时会让人觉得难以承受.

和 no doubt you also feel the growing pressure of having to do more with less… That is, improve on your service while keeping costs under control.

One of the first places you must look to make improvements is your Supply Chain. 为什么? 好吧,通常:

  • COGS from suppliers accounts for 60-70% of sales
  • 入境物流占2%-7%
  • 内部物流3%-5%
  • In-store or customer logistics consume 5%-6% …
  • 所以这是一个很好的开始!

If nothing is done you already know your costs will continue to snowball and eventually your service delivery will begin to suffer. 和 the harsh reality is, the problem will NOT go away by itself. 你有责任解决它.

这可以在内部完成, 你要依靠系统, people and processes which have got the business to where it is now… or externally, by bringing in the specialist skills of an outside provider. This will usually give you a much faster result and get you back on track sooner.

There is no better respected or well known provider of Supply Chain and Logistics management consulting than 物流局. We provide one of the most complete and thorough services on the market which includes our industry-leading, 180天100%退款保证.

We wouldn’t be in this position if we weren’t careful, committed and precise in delivering solutions to your business.

Our Supply Chain and Logistics 咨询顾问 take great care in providing a high level of personal service to our customer base and we have an enviable track record in the following industry verticals amongst others:

  • 医疗保健
  • 零售、快速消费品和快速消费品
  • 能源、矿业和建筑业
  • 3PL
  • Government and Economic Development
  • 资讯科技及电讯业

Our Supply Chain Consulting assignments have ranged across the world and include countries such as 阿根廷, 澳大利亚, 巴西, 柬埔寨, 中国。, 埃及, 斐济, 香港, 印尼, 日本, 韩国, 老挝, 马来西亚, 蒙古, 新西兰, 巴布亚新几内亚. , Philippines, 新加坡, 泰国, United Arab Emirates, 联合王国, 美国 & 越南. 在澳大利亚设有办事处, 新西兰 and South East Asia we have you covered regionally and internationally.

还记得, 物流局 is recognized as a market leader as our long list of local, 状态, national and international clients attest. If you are used to working with top class consultants then I also invite you to contact us to set up a no obligation Confidential Consultation to help determine where we can help you improve your company’s bottom line and meet your professional and personal goals.

To your improved operations and a stronger, more consistent bottom line!



To discover how we can help you solve your Supply Chain and Logistics challenges, 只需选择下面的一个项目, 或者去新万博下载ios版全套服务菜单.

Boost Customer and Product Profitability






审计 & Improve our Chain of Responsibility




Benchmark our Supply Chain Performance



  • 26 years of consulting experience across more than 25 countries
  • 超过2000个咨询项目 节省数百万美元
  • 提高 客户服务!
  • Even through these challenging times…
  • 快速的项目 回报 不到3个月



  • 富士施乐
  • 新西兰航空公司
  • 阿迪达斯
  • 香奈儿
  • 联合利华
  • 芸苔属植物
  • 沃尔沃斯
  • 克里斯汀•迪奥
  • 葛兰素史克公司
  • 壳牌
  • 西太平洋银行
  • 劲量
  • 帝亚吉欧
  • Laminex
  • 雅培公司





Warehouse Health Checks with John Monck

Having your warehouse checked will enable you to optimize capacity and processes, ensuring that your warehouse operates to its full extent effectively. There may be several red flags in your warehouse that you haven’t noticed yet…

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